Schimberg Group
Architecture & Interior Design
1421 5th Street, Unit D
Sarasota, FL 34236
By Barron Schimberg, AIA LEED AP
Some architects prefer to focus solely on the building-design work and would rather not get involved in the construction phase. I prefer the opposite. While I enjoy designing buildings, it is equally satisfying when clients hire me for construction administration. Not only does it allow me, as an architect to engage in problem solving, but I can also resolve the problems in a way that preserves the integrity of my designs.
No matter what, changes will be required on every construction project—big or small. And each time a change is required, someone must make a decision about how to proceed. While many contractors are indeed qualified to recommend a solution, they may not have sufficient time or technical resources to determine the best solution for each change that occurs.
When clients hire me for construction administration, I am “on call” for the duration of the project. I set my fee to remain the same from month to month, whether the contractor needs advice once a week or every day during the month. We’ve been asked everything from alternative ways of building the structure to selecting a railing cap to waterproofing below a slab.
While the building is being constructed, there will be far less finger-pointing about who is to blame each time a change is required. We simply work together to fix the problem.
It’s a win-win-win situation for everyone. As a client, you’ll get the peace of mind that comes with predictable monthly fees for expert problem solving. Contractors often feel relieved that they don’t have to make decisions on the fly and I get the satisfaction of helping the project run more smoothly and seeing the buildings I have designed through to completion.
If you would like to learn more about construction-administration services, please give me a call at 941-894-6888 or drop me an email at
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